What’s new with Rocket.Chat in December

Marina Hudek
December 31, 2021
min read

We are closing 2021 with some new features and improvements in Rocket.Chat. Let's see what Rocket.Chat 4.3.0 brings. 🚀
Please visit the official release notes for the whole list of improvements and bug fixes.

Team Collaboration

Edit icon displayed next to any changed message in thread

Before, the Edit icon could only be seen next to the initial message in a thread; now, it may be seen next to any changed message. It increases transparency and makes it easier to spot content that has changed.

Multiple RC roles can be assigned to an LDAP group

Instead of mapping a single LDAP group to a single Rocket.Chat role, it is now possible to assign multiple roles to an LDAP group. It's feasible, for example, to make all users in your HR department on Active Directory both Moderators and Chat Auditors on Rocket.Chat. Learn More.

Custom user status visible 

Whether in a meeting or taking a break from work, your teammates will now get a quick sense of your availability by seeing your custom status. Learn More.

Custom status visible


Configuration of Fallback Departments 

This long-awaited feature lets companies configure fallback departments to receive conversations when agents from the primary department are unavailable, thus reducing service response time and consequently increasing customer satisfaction. Learn More.

Location sharing on WhatsApp

Our WhatsApp Business channel now fully supports sharing location option. Because WhatsApp users are accustomed to sharing their current location with friends and family, they expect the same level of service when communicating with businesses. Companies that provide delivery services, for example, can create custom automation based on the platform's native location sharing. Learn More.

Location sharing on WhatsApp


Category filters added to Apps

Admins will be able to discover available apps in the Marketplace or search through Installed apps more easily and quickly with the help of category filters. Learn More.

Improved error messages and pages

We improved the error messages and pages to inform the users better if something went wrong during their navigation through Marketplace.

Apps Engine

Action buttons 

To help users access Apps features without relying only on Slash Commands, we introduced Action shortcuts within Rocket.Chat Apps. Developers can add action items in different menus through Rocket.Chat UI, such as:

✔️Room Menu

✔️Message Composer Menu

✔️Message Menu

Contextual Bar

Rocket.Chat Apps are now allowed to open contextual bars inside the room's UI. It will enable users with an uninterrupted experience when performing contextual action and using any other app feature.

Cloud Services Portal

Revamped Cloud Login

Revamped Cloud login for SaaS and Self-hosted workspaces brings a better, passwordless user onboarding experience.

Passwordless Cloud login

Improvements in Enterprise trial

To improve Enterprise trial onboarding and experience, we enhanced Apply Offline License and Register Offline Workspace modal windows.

Register Offline Workspace

Consolidated the trial provision of 30 days for SaaS trial

Mobile App

New permission for uploading files

New Allow file upload on mobile devices permission can be used to prevent users from uploading unwanted content when necessary. 

Check the full changelog for the latest Mobile app release. 

Still not using Rocket.Chat mobile app? Download it on the App Store or get it on Google Play.

How to update your workspace to version 4.3.0?

Cloud-hosted workspaces

The release happens automatically on our cloud, so no further action is required from your side. However, remember that upgrading instances might take a few weeks since we wait for the more stable release, so please reach out to our support team if you need to update your version sooner.

Self-managed workspaces

Depending on the installation mode, you might need to update your server manually. Check out our documentation for instructions.

Still not using Rocket.Chat? 

Take the first step by starting a free trial

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Head of Product Marketing at Rocket.Chat. Marina keeps our readers informed about the latest Rocket.Chat product news & improvements.
Marina Hudek
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Want to collaborate securely with your team?
Deploy Rocket.Chat on-premise or in the cloud and keep your conversations private.
  • Digital sovereignty
  • Federation capabilities
  • Scalable and white-labeled
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Looking for a HIPAA-ready communications platform?
Enable patients and healthcare providers to securely communicate without exposing their data.
  • Highly scalable and secure
  • Full patient conversation history
  • HIPAA-ready
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The #1 communications platform for government
Deploy Rocket.Chat on-premise, in the cloud, or air-gapped environment.
  • Secure data governance and digital sovereignty
  • Trusted by State, Local, and Federal agencies across the world
  • Matrix federation capabilities for cross-agency communication
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Want to customize Rocket.Chat according to your own preferences?
See behind the engine and change the code how you see fit.
  • Open source code
  • Highly secure and scalable
  • Unmatched flexibility
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Looking for a secure collaboration platform?
Keep your conversations private while enjoying a seamless collaboration experience with Rocket.Chat.
  • End-to-end encryption
  • Cloud or on-prem deployment
  • Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
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Want to build a highly secure in-app chat experience?
Use Rocket.Chat’s APIs, frameworks, and managed backend to build a secure in-app or live chat experience for your customers.
  • Supports compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, FINRA, and more
  • Highly secure and flexible
  • On-prem or cloud deployment
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